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"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

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Day 52 - fun and play

Wet and cold today. I do love this country and our variety of weather, quite often all in the same day.

This is the 4th day that I've run with Nicky on her "Run for Lent" initiative. For me running is not about competition, it is about fun and connection. When running with someone else, it is a great opportunity to share and connect, and when I run on my own it is an opportunity to connect with myself and with nature.

Sounds a bit "woo woo" I know, but running is the closest I've ever got to a meditative state. Most of my best creative ideas come to me when I'm running, particularly when it's just me and nature.

But the key for me is running should be about joy, fun and inspiration. When I get to pain, suffering and struggle, I know that I'm doing it wrong.

Reader Comments (2)

Interesting you say that most of your creative ideas come to you when you are running as I experience something similar myself. I don't run outdoors, but I do run on a treadmill at home and always with my music playing. I have discovered that when I run outdoors I am often distracted by the environment and can not get into that 'meditative' state so easily. However, when I run on a treadmill to music I find myself getting into a bit of a trance and my creative juices start to flow. It's also easier for me to stay with the idea or ideas that come to me.

February 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCatherine

Hi Catherine. Great to hear from you from the other side of the world. I can't do treadmills, that really does feel like hard work to me. For me it's something about being so close to, and connected in some way to, the huge creative force that is nature. I prefer to run away from roads and traffic when possible.

February 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTony Phillips

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