Quote of the moment

"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

Possibility Reminders

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Entries in Holland (2)


Commitment & acknowledgement

This mile each day game has been fun over the last week and a bit.

If I had not challenged myself to see how long I could sustain running at least a mile every single day, I'm sure that I would have missed 3 days of my mile in the last week.

Firstly, I would have decided that I didn't have enough space in my hand luggage for my flight to Holland to fit my running shoes, shorts, tee-shirt, socks and Garmin GPS device. And yet I found room, and I had an absolutely gorgeous run of three and a half miles in the forests of southern Holland. Thank you Lieke.

Then, I was running a training programme in London 2 days last week and knew that when I left my hotel in the morning, I wouldn't be back until well after 10.00 pm. So I managed to get out and hit the road before 6.00 a.m. each day. That wouldn't have happened either, had it not been for my commitment to the mile each day experiment.

I'd also like to acknowledge Toby for his commitment to the experiment. Realising that you haven't done your run at 11.50 p.m. whilst brushing your teeth, getting ready for bed, and yet still going out and doing the mile anyway, I take my hat off to you.


Bluebells to Holland

I've been rather remiss as I haven't blogged now for a week.

Is blog a verb as well as a noun?

This morning, Nicky and I diverted from our usual circuit to go into the woods just down the road from our house and search out the bluebells. We found them, although we had to climb (sort of run) a horrifically steep hill to get to them. I find it amazing how a mass of bluebells can have such an ethereal, magical quality to them.

If you haven't gone out and taken a run, or walk, in some woods that contain bluebells, I urge you to do so in the next few days, while they are at their most magnificent.

Tomorrow I won't be able to do my morning run as I am due to catch a 7.25 am flight to Dusseldorf and am spending the day in Holland. I'm told that there is a forest very near to where I'll be, so I'm hoping to do my mile in the forest.