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"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

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Entries in chatter (2)


The easy & friendly way

Yesterday, I was out in the dark running a mile as fast as I could. Today I ran in the gorgeous sunshine, supporting three relatively new runners with a gentle jog, followed by some jog/walking.

Both very different experiences but I loved both.

I hope I didn't torture my beginners group too much, as we were supposed to run for fifteen minutes and then jog/walk for the rest of the three-mile route.

I'm afraid to say I got so involved in chatting that I kept them running for nineteen and a half minutes before I realised that we were supposed to stop for a walk.

It's so great to see people stretching beyond their comfort zones towards their true potential.

All three of the runners I was with this morning said that they enjoyed running with others and that they didn't think they'd be able to keep up the running if they weren't doing it with a group who all supported each other.

Striving for your potential doesn't have to be hard, and it is also often far more effective when you've got others supporting you.


Who's doing my thinking?

I ran all of 2 miles this morning. I've been doing my basic 'mile and a third' so much recently that even the extra kilometre felt quite different.

I had so much chatter going on in my head this morning. No, I'm not losing it - I'm talking about that little voice we all have in our heads.

If you're now going, "What little voice?" That's the one I'm talking about.

Anyway, it was great to push that internal chatter off centre stage and concentrate on my breathing and my internal physical feelings. Such a relief.

Running is the best way that I have found to calm my mind and to regain some clarity of direction, of purpose, of vision, and of what really needs to be done next.

I thought how interesting it is that sometimes I can't seem to be able to choose my own thoughts. So if I'm not choosing them, then who is?

Now that's even more interesting.

And what is the purpose behind the chatter?

My best guess is that it's my subconscious mind telling me that I need to step back, that maybe things aren't working perfectly as they are right now. It's also an opportunity for me to refocus on, or even recalibrate, what perfectly looks like.

Once again, running is the best way I know to achieve this.