Quote of the moment

"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

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Entries in sunny (10)


The easy & friendly way

Yesterday, I was out in the dark running a mile as fast as I could. Today I ran in the gorgeous sunshine, supporting three relatively new runners with a gentle jog, followed by some jog/walking.

Both very different experiences but I loved both.

I hope I didn't torture my beginners group too much, as we were supposed to run for fifteen minutes and then jog/walk for the rest of the three-mile route.

I'm afraid to say I got so involved in chatting that I kept them running for nineteen and a half minutes before I realised that we were supposed to stop for a walk.

It's so great to see people stretching beyond their comfort zones towards their true potential.

All three of the runners I was with this morning said that they enjoyed running with others and that they didn't think they'd be able to keep up the running if they weren't doing it with a group who all supported each other.

Striving for your potential doesn't have to be hard, and it is also often far more effective when you've got others supporting you.


You can now subscribe

I just found the subscribe widget and have added it to my blog for those of you who wouldn't want to miss one of my postings.?

Ran a really enjoyable 5K with Nicky this morning, before breakfast again. We managed to run in the only cloudy bit of the day, after the early morning glorious bright start and before it got even hotter when the sun intensified.

Did you know it is National Running Day in America today?

One of my thoughts I had today was to encourage those of you who are following the Run a mile each day Facebook page to post photos of sights you come across on your daily runs.

I guess I should probably start the ball rolling.


Talking to myself

Yesteray I ran 10km for the first time in many months, probably six. It wasn't easy and yet it was also really enjoyable.

There is nothing like pushing myself, stretching myself (no, not that type of stretching - I'm terrible at doing that), challenging myself, with the wind in my hair, the sun on my face and body, and the sound of birdsong in my ears (as well as my own breathing and the occasional traffic noise when I venture near roads).

I also talk to myself out loud when I run. It could be the first, or possibly more advanced, sign of madness, but is a leftover from pre-iPhone times when I used to run with my mobile phone strapped to my arm, connected by earphones, recording my thoughts and ideas.

Note to self - I really should find a device that allows me to strap my iPhone to my arm so I don't look quite as demented when I'm out running in public.


100 days, 173 miles, 33 hours

100 days, 173 miles and 33 hours is my tally following this morning's glorious sunny run.

Our first breakfast of the year sitting out in the sunshine in the back garden and also the first time my shorts have seen the light of day this year.

I enjoyed my day living in happy valley yesterday and being a beacon. Today's intention is to be kind wherever possible and to start really trying out positive affirmations.

Ordered 4 books on Amazon yesterday with some birthday vouchers, so I'm quite excited about receiving them in the next week or three, and yes, one of them is about running.

I've got a crazy hair-brained idea at the moment - I wonder if I could run the Beachy Head marathon barefoot? I might have to let that one simmer for a few days.


Happy beacons

Day 99. Went out much later, and on my own, this morning after my early business breakfast club.

I ran past Happy Valley and the Beacon, which got me thinking.

What would it be like to live in Happy Valley? I know for certain that the sun doesn't always shine there.

What an inspiring thing a beacon is, showing people the way, lighting their path!

Maybe that's why I find running uplifting?

So, my intention for today is to be a beacon for others and to spend my day in my own hypothetical happy valley. What fun I hope I'm going to have.